Without a dope Blog to read too...
As the title states it's been quite a while since we updated the Startup-Post. It isn't because we don't love all four of our followers, or that we hit the lotto (though that would be pretty cool). In fact it may very well be due to the writers of this blog having kick ass lives.
Alex spent last week "down the cape" (visiting Cape Cod for you non Massachusetts folks). He split his time down there drinking cape codders and test marketing his new startup idea of a boat shoe, polo shirt, muffin and coffee truck beach service. He also spent some time up in Montreal drinking Labat Blue or whatever kind of beer is hip in the great white north. He was kind enough to send us this pic.
I on the other hand needed to face the harsh reality that comes with living in Florida. 90 plus degrees, swimming pools, and grilling on a whim is something that nobody should have to suffer through. Don't cry for me though. In the words of the great Gospel spirtual "I'm a survivor, I'm gonna make it, I will survive, keep on survivin."
Ok so now that I have poorly explained our absense you may be wondering what this has to do with entrepreneurship. So I'll give you a hint.
Give up?
The difficulty a lot of entrepreneurs face after a while is the dicipline it takes to stay focussed on the task at hand. Sometimes we get side tracked. That's ok, but we need to always remember to get back on track and focus on our startup.
A baby left in the wild doesn't stand a chance to survive on it's own. It needs parents to raise it, nurture it, and help the baby develop into a productive member of society. The same is also true for our startups. No one is going to raise our babies for us. So why should we expect other people to raise our startups for us. We need to treat our endevors as our children and develop them so that they can reach their fullest potential and one day make us proud.
So please, for the love of all things that are good, don't pull a Startup-Post and become preoccupied with the epicness that comes with being a proffessor of kick-assery. Instead keep your nose to the grind stone and keep pushing forward. You will succeed only if you remain diciplined enough to make it so.